Nudel has been playing with hexagonal sphere divisions, based primarily on Uber’s H3 geospatial indexing system
The Uber H3 system relies on a global division that starts with the spherical projection of a 122-sided polyhedron comprising 12 pentagons and 110 hexagons, a type of Goldberg Polyhedron. Uber’s system rotates the sphere so that the pentagons avoid major land areas
Nudel’s mapping deploys the same Goldberg Polyhedron spherical projection conventionally oriented
Nudel’s interest in Geospatial Indexing is part of a broader research program focussed on models
Earth with conventionally oriented Goldberg Polyhedron
{5+,3}2,2 - TB10_284 2022_09_25 GeoHex Sphere_122_R6375._001