Human Brain Surface Area

Nudel has been modelling the human brain, using an ellipsoid set in a tilted plain as a suitable abstraction:

The resulting form has ellipsoid dimensions of 190 x 140 x 150 mm at an angle of 10 degree tilt, giving a resultant volume of 1.8 x 10^6 cubic mm. This brain study is based on the large scale head model made available from the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

This model also results in a surface area of 75,000 sq mm - comparable to the estimated 150,000 sq mm in the Journal of Neuroscience (Journal of Neuroscience 15 September 1997, 17 (18) 7079-7102; DOI:

3 arcing Miura surfaces were overlaid on the top of the brain to demonstrate a further abstracting of the folding form of the neocortex surface and show how this folding achieves an efficient packing of surface into the constraints of the skull