American-English physicist Freeman Dyson speculated on mega-structures encapsulating a star that could harvest all the energy output of its host : the Dyson Sphere
Nudel has speculated at the planetary scale, inspired by terraforming descriptions of otherwise inhospitable planets in Kim Stanley Robinson’s 2312: gigantic sun shading screens covering an entire planet
Based on Uber’s H3 geospatial indexing system, Nudel created a hexagonal mega grid laid across the face of the Earth
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C:\Users\black\Documents\_TB_Google_DRV\_TB_Google_Working_Files\TB10_284 2023 Rhino General\TB10_284 2022_08_27 Geo-Earth Energy Tool\TB10_284 Uber H3 Blog Post Images Nudel\TB10_269 GeoHex Gridded Sphere - Dodecahedron Axes Array_09_crop.jpg
Flat pack of 122 sided Goldberg Polyhedron
Unlike Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion mapping (and Uber’s H3 System too), Nudel’s works off a conventionally aligned Icosahedral Goldberg Polyhedron with a pentagon at the poles and one at zero latitude and zero longitude